Smart app My back

The app My back is a great complement to your physiotherapy. The application does not replace your physiotherapist or physiotherapy exercises. Talk to your doctor about the suitability of exercises before you start exercises especially if you’ve never met a similar exercise. Find more on my blog.

Download this apps to your Android device.

Quick instructions

My Low Back app provides advance
exercises to strengthen and stabilize the trunk.
Basic navigation:
– main menu,
– online access to myback ,
– application settings.

Advanced navigation allows :
– selection of the training programme,
– statistics: graphic presentation of exercises
– info about app.

The basic exercise is a drawing-in maneuver in a supine position with which we tense the trunk muscles and the pelvic floor muscles (MMD). This exercise is the basis and start for each subsequent exercise

Exercise for the pelvic floor muscles consists of exercises lying on the back and side, which mainly strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (MMD)

The side plank is designed
to stabilize and strengthen the trunck
1- squeeze the buttocks, form the right position of the plank in a straight line from the toes, through the hips, to the neck
3 – shoulders directly above the wrists
4 – Strengthen your trunk by squeezing your abdominal muscles and trunk muscles
Exercises lying on your back with a ball are designed to stretch the muscles of the trunk and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor (MMD )
The planck exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the core. Proper execution of the planck exercise:
1 – squeeze the buttocks, form the correct position of the plank in a straight line from the toes, through the hips to the neck
2 neck should be in line with the spine, line goes straight from the ears, shoulders, hips to heel
3 – shoulders directly above the wrists
3.1 – elbows are directly below the shoulders
4 – strengthen your trunk by squeezing the abdominal muscles and trunk muscles
Statistics allow graphical display of
completed exercises.
The exercises are grouped into sets:
– drawing-in maneuver,
– exercises to stabilize the trunk,
– exercises for pelvic floor muscles (MMD)
– exercises with the ball,
– exercises lying on the back for MMD,
– exercises to stabilize and strengthen the trun
The settings allow you to select the language :
– English,
– Slovenian ,
Setting the daily reminder allows you to set the phone alarm. If we turn off the alarm manualy on your phone, this setting is no longer up to date.
Setting the screen allows the screen not to turn off or go to sleep.
Repeats before the workout allows you to prepare before the exercise.
The audio accompaniment allows the beep to start your workout and start
relaxing in some cases. Save exercise to database allows you to save the number of workouts.