Core Stabilizer Exercises for Low Back relief

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1. PFM Exercises  lying on your back and side, dificulty : light  (PFM _ back _side) label25

Exercise  DescriptionStarting position 
1aLying down on your back, one leg bent and the other one streched, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver. Raise outstretched leg (pain-free)Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
1bLying down on your back ,one leg bent and the other one stretched, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, Circle  with the leg streched (pain-free).Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
1cLying down on your side, one leg bent and the other one stretched, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, Raise outstretched leg(pain-free)Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
1dPFM Exercises, lying on your back circling your  leg. Lying down on your side, one leg bent and the other one stretched, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver. Circle with the stretched  leg (pain-free).
Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y

1. Repetition: The number of repetitions of the exercise, if L + D, is the number of repetitions for each leg

2. Duration: duration in seconds or holding positions

3. Break: Leave during exercise for a few seconds.

4. Days of the week: number of training days per week

The duration of the activation period of local stabilizers will vary for the patients. People differ in their abilities. Some will master activation techniques earlier, others later, however, it is recommended to perform at least four weeks of exercise to activate the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles. Only the correct execution of the drawing-in maneuver can allow us to safely perform all exercises to stabilize the core in the following periods, which in turn can lead us to reduce low back pain. Also very important is the development of the pelvic floor muscles, to which most people  pay too little attention.

 1. PFM  Exercises  lying on your back using a ball.

ExerciseDescriptionStarting position 
1eLying down on your back, legs bent, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver,  squeeze a ball with your knees and press your hands to base. Equipment: ball.
Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R) :Y
1fLying down on your back, legs bent, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, squeeze a ball with your knees and push your legs with your hands. Equipment: ball.Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek Break 3           : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R) :Y
1gLying down on your back, legs bent, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, squeeze a ball with your knees and raise your hands to your knees. Equipment: ball.Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
1hLying down on your back, legs bent, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, squeeze a ball with your knees and raise your back and  hands to your knees . Equipment: ball.Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
1iLying down on your back, legs bent, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, squeeze a ball with your knees while doing a bridge with your back. Equipment: ball.Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
1jLying down on your back, legs bent, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, squeeze a ball with your knees while pushing your knees away with your hands. Equipment: ball.Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y

2. Core stabilization  exercises

2.1 Core stabilization  exercises in  kneeling a position (menu_second_core_stab)

Exercise  DescriptionStarting position 
2a  On Hands & Knees  Leg Lift The support in is on the hands, and knee, toe and outstretched leg, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver, Raise outstretched leg Equipment: stick Core stabilization-2a-desna.mp4 Core stabilization-2a-leva.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y 
2bOn Hands & Knees Arm/Leg Lift The support in is on the hands, knee and toe, leg is outstretched, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver. Raise outstretched leg  and oposite  arm. Equipment:stick Core stabilization-2b-desna.mp4 Core stabilization-2b-leva.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek
Days of the week4:5 Both(L+R):Y

  2.2 Core stabilization  exercises in   side position

2cModified side plank, lift hip
lying down on your side, one leg bent and the other one streched, stable lumbar egion, execution
of a drawing-in maneuver.
Raise your hip
Core stabilization-2c.mp4  Core stabilization-2c-still.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week4:5 Both(L+R):Y  
2bModified Side Plank, leg circling,
lying down on your side, one leg bent and the other one streched, stable lumbar egion, execution
of a drawing-in maneuver. Raise your hip and outstretched leg
Core stabilization-2d1.mp4
Core stabilization-2d2.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek
Break 3         : 5 sek Days of the week4:5
2dModified Side Plank, leg circling , lying down on your side, one leg bent and the other one streched, stable lumbar egion, execution
of a drawing-in maneuver.
Raise your hip and circle your outstretched leg
Core stabilization-2d1.mp4
Core stabilization-2d2.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek
Days of the week4:5
2eWalking with sticks. Equipment: sticksDuration: 1 h
Daily(Y/N): Y

3. Core stabilization and strengthen exercises

3a           Elbow plank/Forearm plank The support in is on the elbows, knee   and toe ,  stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in
maneuver. Raise your hip.
core strength-3a-still.mp4
core strength-3a-desna.mp4
core strength-3a-leva.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek
Break 3          : 5 sek
Days of the week 4: 5
3bElbow plank/Forearm plank The support in is on the elbows  and toes ,  stable lumbar region, execution of
a drawing-in maneuver. Raise one leg.
core strength-3a-still.mp4
core strength-3a-desna.mp4
core strength-3a-leva.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek
Break 3          : 5 sek
Days of the week 4: 5
3cHand plank The support in is on the hands , knee and toe,  stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver. Raise hip.
core strength-3b-desna.mp4
core strength-3b-leva.mp4
core strength-3b-stil.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
3dHand plank
The support in is on the
hands, knee and toe, 
stable lumbar region, execution of a
drawing-in maneuver.
Raise the leg.
core strength-3b-desna.mp4
core strength-3b-leva.mp4
core strength-3b-stil.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2      : 5 sek
Break 3          : 5 sek
Days of the week 4: 5

3.1 Core stabilization and strengthen exercises using stability ball 

3eStability ball elbow plank The support in is on the elbows and toes ,  stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver. Alternative Raise the leg. Equipment: ball.
Core Strength-3c-desna.mp4
Core Strength-3c-leva.mp4
Core Strength-3c-stil.mp4

Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2       : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R) :Y
3fStability ball elbow plank The support in is on the elbows and toes ,  stable lumbar region, execution
of a drawing-in maneuver. Alternative Raise the leg. Equipment: ball.
Core Strength-3c-desna.mp4
Core Strength-3c-leva.mp4 Core Strength-3c-stil.mp4

Repetition 1    : 5 x Duration 2         : 5 sek Break 3           : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R) :Y
3gStability ball elbow side plank The support in is on the elbow  and toes ,  hip
is on base, stable lumbar region, execution of a drawing-in maneuver.
Raise your hip.
Equipment: ball.
Repetition 1   : 5 x Duration 2        : 5 sek Break 3          : 5 sek Days of the week 4: 5 Both(L+R):Y
3hDaily taskDuration : > 1 h
Daily(Y/N): Y
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